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CLS Exam Practice Test- Pahse-1 !!!

1. which is the correct sentence?

ANSWER= (A) I always eat vegetables and fruits.


2. buy a house but they haven't got enough money

ANSWER= (B) liked


3. Ashok speaks well but doesnot want to express himself in a group.This means

ANSWER= (C) He needs to work on interpersonal skills and confidence


4. She has ........ always wanted to meet him

ANSWER= (B) has


5. The Student .......... Standing up for the anthen

ANSWER= (A) are


6. It .... That at 9:00 in the evening

ANSWER= (A) colse


7. Tell me ..... you coming to the party?

ANSWER= (B) are


8. I ..... hungry

ANSWER= (B) am


9. My friend Asmita ..... sports

ANSWER= (a) loves


10. What do every Sunday?

ANSWER= (B) do


11. You ..... riding non-stop for gours so you must be very tiried

ANSWER= (A) have been


12. Anita .... Tennis very well

ANSWER= (A) plays


13. They ...... help you

ANSWER= (B) will


14. Somebody must .....taken my cellphon

ANSWER= (A) has


15. What .....she do in her free time?

ANSWER= (A) does


16. Where ....they go yesterday?

ANSWER= (B) did


17. The Olympic Games every four years.

ANSWER= (A) take


18.They ...... a cat and dog..

ANSWER= (B) have


19.You should’nt .... Called him a fool. .

ANSWER= (B) have


20.How much .

ANSWER= (A) is


21. She has naver .... Something like that before

ANSWER= (B) done

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